Spending time in the wilderness provides John Baisden with a feeling of tranquility and peacefulness. He believes that too many people have ignored spending time in nature. Every time he goes on a camping or backpacking trip, he comes back renewed and feeling great about his life.
With our fast-paced and increasingly urban lives, people are ignoring the outdoors to their detriment. Besides the fact that hiking and walking are great exercise that burn lots of calories, John Baisden knows that spending time in the sun and wilderness is good for your brain. Studies have shown that people who spend more time outdoors have less depression. They are also generally in a better mood than people who do not go outdoors.
John Baisden's favorite places to go when he has lots of free time are nearby national parks. One of the most memorable and amazing places that he ever went was Glacier National Park. John Baisden thinks that this park might very well be one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Glacier National Park is located in Montana near the Canadian border. The park is over one million acres large and has over one thousand different kinds of plants and animals. It has countless lakes and beautiful mountain views. John Baisden does not get to visit the park as much as he'd like, but every time he goes the experience is different and full of new views and events.